Friday, April 29, 2011

The Weekend

The weekend is finally here.  Its about time too.  My vacation is 1 day closer.  The weather is beautiful out as well.  My sons day care as closed today so he spent the day with his grandpa.  I am here at grandpa's to pick him up now afte work and of course the little guy is sleeping.  I will let him finish his nap before taking him home. 
I think its time to start taking care of James again.  I'm going back to the gym this weekend.  Maybe I can drag my daughter with me.  I've been so lazy about the gym the last couple of months. 
So what else is up in the world? 

My Arbonne business is moving right along.  Making an additional income, which comes in handy being a federal employee.  Our salaries have been frozen or the next 2 years at least, probably more.  If you are a federal employee has that fact sunk in yet?  If you are looking for an additional income stream, then contact me at for more information.  Go to and click on Business Opportunity to read more about the business.

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