Monday, April 18, 2011

Its Early

Its way too early for me.  Its 3:50AM est at the time I started typing this.  I'm up with the little guy, he is fine, he just fell asleep early and of course got up earlier than normal.  I will stay up with him until he either falls back asleep or its time to go to work.
You must either file your tax returns by midnight tonight or at the very least file your extension.  Remember the extension is only an extension to file, not an extension to pay.  Lots of people screw that up every year.

Damn I'm tired.  Go Celtics.  We beat the Knicks on Sunday night, which was to be expected.  Living in NY and being raised in NY, you must imagine it was pretty tough being raised in a house of knick fans.  They are confused, lol.  I forgive them, lol.

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