Thursday, April 7, 2011


I drop off my daughter early in the morning for her senior trip.  I swear that child is getting older by the day.  Its a good thing I stopped aging.  Her box of Arbonne samples came today too, so she is ready to hit the ground with her brand new business.
With the probable government shut down and the potential of no paycheck, its nice to have my personal business.  You never know how long the shut down will be for.  In some of the past shut downs they ended up paying us retroactively so it ended up being a paid vacation.  It doesn't look like that will happen this time though.  This would be a great time for some of my fellow feds to join me in the Arbonne business.  I will teach and train you to do what I do.

You never know, my plan A is being taken away for a short time I hope and I will kick it up a notch with my plan B.

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