Monday, March 7, 2011

Arbonne Products Great for All Skin Types

Arbonne for African American Skin


Is Arbonne a good product for African American skin?

Arbonne was founded in Switzerland and introduced in the U.S. in 1980. They pride themselves on using botanical ingredients in their skin care, cosmetics, and wellness products. Their most popular skincare product is the NutriminC line which effectively reverses the signs of sun damage with nutrients and vitamin C (NutriminC).
Arbonnes' products are safe for all skin types.  There are no animal by-products used or testing, no harmful dyes and fragrances, and no mineral oil.

Sun Protection

African Americans have melanin which gives skin a darker tone. Melanin also acts as a sunscreen and protects the skin from ultraviolet light. Despite most myths, darker skinned people do need to wear sunscreen. 
Most sunscreens only protect against UVB rays which burn the skin. The best sunscreen includes an ingredient called Parsol 1789 or avobenzone, zinc oxide, or ecamsule.  It absorbs UVA rays which have been known to cause melanoma.
The Before Sun Collection from Arbonne contains this broad spectrum formula along with an SPF 15.  The soothing botanicals of avocado oil and chamomile also provide a layer of moisturization and relieves dry skinafter sun exposure. 

Healthy Skin

Healthy skin is not achieved simply by using the best skin care products.  There is a combination of what you put on your skin as well as what goes in your body that helps you achieve the healthy glowing skin you desire. 
Omega 3 fatty acids are becoming more popular as a daily supplement.  They provide essential nutrients for healthy hearts, reduce inflammation,  and help prevent risk factors associated with chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and arthritis.
Symptoms of omega-3 fatty acid deficiency include extreme tiredness (fatigue), poor memory, dry skin, heart problems, mood swings or depression, and poor circulation.
Omega 3 in African Americans could also help with diabetes and high blood pressure.
How does it help the skin?
Omega 3 aids in skin firmness which produces less wrinkles.  They also produce lost fat cells that helps combat dry skin and flakiness. The anti-inflammatory benefits of fish oil help eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis.:
NutriminC Fatty Acid Dietary Supplement, NutriminC RE9 products, Figure 8 Protein Shakes, Seasource Detox Spa 

Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is a rising problem among African Americans. Many scientists would like to change the daily recommended dose of vitamin D everyone should get, either by taking supplements, from foods, or sun exposure. Vitamin D is good for bone health; it will help lower the instance of osteoporosis. 
Skin produces vitamin D when hit by ultraviolet light in sunlight. The amount depends on where people live, skin pigment, age and other factors. African Americans and other dark-skinned people, and anyone living in northern latitudes, make far less than some other groups.
You can find Vitamin D in the Figure 8 shakes and Nutritional Hybrid vitamin packs.

Acne and Oily Skin

Isopropyl alcohol is too harsh and drying to be used as a daily cleanser. Cetyl and cetearyl alcohols are used as emollients and very effective in removing oils from skin to keep pores from clogging.
Benzoyl peroxide is not recommended for use due to the effects of irritation and possible skin discoloration. Salicylic acid is widely used in most acne treatment products. The normal amount is around .5- 2%. 
Retinoids (Retin-A and Retinyl Palmitate) are a good choice for people with dark or sensitive skin because they can treat the problem while cleansing. 
Do not combine salicylic acid with benzoyl peroxide or retinoids due to the increased risk of irritation, peeling, stinging, or dryness.
Good sources of retinoids can be found in NutriminC products.  The Clear Advantage system is recommended for clearing acne. 


As you have just learned, there are many advantages to using African Americans to use Arbonne. For overall healthy skin inside and out, there is a product that is right for you.

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