Friday, March 25, 2011

Arbonne Opportunity Meeting

                Have you or a loved one lost their job recently? 
Can’t find a new job?
Are you maxed out on your credit cards?
Do you wish you had more time to be home with your kids?
Do you wish you didn’t have to work at all?
Has having “extra money” only been a dream?
If you answered YES to any or all of the above then you need to come hear how
YOU can change those circumstances INSTANTLY!!!!
Be part of the FASTEST GROWING INDUSTRY!  Learn how to have a LIFE BY DESIGN
You will be so glad you came and listened to:
Why Arbonne, Why Now?
Tuesday March 29th 7:00pm
Smithtown Mercedes Benz
630 Middle Country Road
St. James, NY
Presented by: NVP Jill Caputo
All are welcome!
 If you live on Long Island or NYC and you can make it to the meeting, message me at
 My website is

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