Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Winning Team

Come join my winning team in Arbonne.  Earn an extra income.  An extra income that is only limited by your own effort.  If you put a serious effort in you can make a serious income.  If you are happy with a few extra dollars a month then Arbonne can do that for you too, but if you are looking for 4 figure income from part-time, from 5-10 hours of work per week then Arbonne may be for you.  Keep in mind that the income is unlimited, you can make much, much more.  As an Arbonne Independent Consultant I teach and train others to do as I do.   Everyone starts as a consultant and then promote to the four levels of management.  Once you reach the 3rd level you get a white Mercedes Benz of your choice.  Arbonne will pay you an additional $800 a month on top of your commission to pay for you Mercedes.  Depending on which Mercedes Benz you select the $800 could be the entire monthly payment or pay for a pretty good chunk of your monthly payment.  I'm not at that level yet but I'm on my way.  Even if the Benz is not your goal, the extra income is still nice.

A lot of businesses today are downsizing and some of those that aren't downsizing are not giving raises for the foreseeable future. so maybe this extra income could be something you need.  

Also there are tremendous tax breaks for owning your own business.  If this is something that interest you then please feel free to visit my website at http://www.jamesstewart.myarbonne.com  and click on Business Opportunity.

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