Friday, July 29, 2011


People come into your life for various reasons.  Some for good, some for not so good and then their are the others that just kind of linger.  We can learn a little bit from each of them.  Whether you are learning things to do or learning things not to do.  Either way you are learning something.   In my business I try an offer the business opportunity to people I can see myself working with. someone that I could at some point consider a friend.  This is one of the few types of business where you get to pick and choose who you have in it.
I must admit though that I sometimes blog or post messages blindly looking for people interested in the business opportunity.  I am willing to talk business with anyone, but only the selected few select the Arbonne business.  Our products are amazing.  Of course not every product works for everyone, that's just the law of averages.  We have over 400 products, all of which are consumable and thus may need to be re-ordered.  This business makes real sense.  Don't you want in?  Don't you want the benefits of owning your own business?  Its a beautiful concept.


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