Friday, July 15, 2011

Preferred Clients

Become a Preferred Client of Arbonne.  Preferred Clients get 20% off all purchases for a full year.  Becoming a Preferred Client only cost $29 for an entire year.  You get to purchase premium skin and hair care products for 20% off for an entire year and you will also have the ability to sell products and get a 20% commission.  No minimum amount of sales as a Preferred Client..  Go to my website and click on Own Your Own Business.  As a Preferred Client you have no monthly requirements, none at all.  Preferred Clients can buy at a 20% discount and they also have the ability to sell products to anyone and receive a 20% commission.  Its definitely something to look at.  You should consider it if you have given any thought to becoming a consultant.  This would be a good test for you to know if you can succeed in this business with a very small investment.
If you are someone that has used Arbonne in the past then this is also something for you.  You can again start obtaining the high end products of Arbonne at a 20% discount for an entire year.  Definitely something to consider.  Again, my website is

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