Friday, February 25, 2011

Another Weekend

Another February weekend has come.  Of course its cold here on Long Island.  We need nice late spring kind of weather, this cold weather really sucks.  Its starting to get on my nerve.  I really miss the sights of Spring and Summer, fellows you know what I'm talking about.  I will leave it at that.  Anyway, its coming soon.  Maybe not soon enough but soon.
My bowling team was absolutely dominant this past Thursday night, we kicked some serious ass.  We spotted our opponent a 118 pin handicap and swept all games.  We had not bowled that well as a team in a long time.  We should make up some serious ground and get into trophy contention, to hell with that, we should get into contention for first place, why settle for just a trophy.


  1. Its now Saturday, almost noon time. Making French toast for children.

  2. Its Sunday, we finished breakfast at moms a little while ago. The little guy is out back with grandpa, tossing a frisbie around. My daughter is whining about a prom dress. She needs a damn job!
