Sunday, January 23, 2011


Good morning.  I'm currently charging my Blackberry Torch.  I forgot to charge last night, oh well.  Waiting on Jess to get ready for grandma's house this morning for breakfast.  She is currently entertaining her 3 year old brother Anthony by playing the PS3.
Some of you might be wondering why did I become an Arbonne International Consultant.  Well let me tell you why.  I started off as a product user.  I originally used the Arbonne Mens Anti-Aging Shaving set.  The results were awesome.  My face felt amazing.  The Arbonne products are for everyone regardless of race or color.  We have over 450 products.  They are all pure, safe, beneficial and vegan.  My sister who was already a consultant at the time and might I add a pretty enthusiastic one at that, lol.  Anyway, she asked if I would be interested in becoming a consultant and of course being the guy that I am told her no.  I couldn't see myself doing this business at first.  The more and more I used the product the more and more I became a believer in the product.  Then I did decided to join last January.  Its an easy concept but not an easy job.  I now own my own business and became a consultant for $109.00 plus tax and shipping.  I made back my initial investment within the first 45 days so that was good.  I honestly did not put in all the time required when I first started my business but as time has gone on I put more time in and of course I'm making much more money now than I did when I first started.  So far I am enjoying the ride.  There are so many more things I wish to achieve in and out of the Arbonne business.   As you might expect business through November and December was pretty good, but the business momentum has carried through to January.  
I am looking to teach and train others to do as I do.  If you are looking for an additional stream of income contact me, I can make it happen for you.  My website is   click on Business Opportunity to get additional business information.  You can feel free to email me at if you have any questions.  2011 is my year, lets make it your year too!!

James Stewart

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