Sunday, January 30, 2011


Good morning and Happy Sunday to you.  What is on your mind today?  I'm home alone this morning with my little guy.  Jess stayed at her girlfriends house last night and Re is at church, of course.  Just made the little guy a sandwich, he is watching NickJr while eating his sandwich so he is content right now anyway.  He has had his morning dose of PS3, Burnout 3.  He loves car racing games, especially the ones where he can crash and blow up.  When he is ready to drive for real in about 13 or 14 years, watch out world!
Do you ever get the feeling that sometimes you have to do what you have to do for you own happiness?  Sometimes its not about the popular thing, or what would be considered the right thing by most, sometimes its just about what you need and want out of life.
Its Sunday and no real football on.  Just the very unexciting NFL pro-bowl, yawn.  The Superbowl is next weekend.  This season went by way too fast for me.  

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