Thursday, September 1, 2011

Residual Income

Now is your time.  Now is your time to build for your future.  The future for your family.  Just because the economy is down is no reason for you not to own your own business.  This is isn't even just about Arbonne.  Their are lots of business opportunities available for anyone with any ambition.  I chose Arbonne as my vehicle to a better financial future for myself and my family.  I share Arbonne's awesome products with people, give them a couple of days to form an opinion on the products they have tried then I simply ask them how did they like their sample.  A lot of times they love the product and wish to purchase the product.  If they wish to purchase the product then they can order from my website and have the products delivered right to their front door by UPS.   As an Independent Consultant I do not have deliver products to my clients.
You can build residual income by teaching others to do what you do.  I work anywhere from 5-10hrs a week in my Arbonne business.  Now if you can teach others to do the same and the people you teach can teach other people to do the same, then you have the ability to earn money from your sales and from the people you taught as well.  Their is no limit to what you can earn.  Give Arbonne a try. and click on Own Your Own Business for more details.  Message me if you want to hear more about Arbonne or if you are interested in buying products.  My email is

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