Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The reason we do not use Animal By-Products

One of the reasons why Arbonne does not use any animal by-products in our products:

We hear this catch phrase all the time "animal byproducts" but who really knows what they are and where they come from? It is a nasty little secret that the cosmetic companies DON'T want you to know. You can find the following information in the book entitled "Mad Cowboy" by Howard F. Lyman. In his book he writes:

"I am a fourth generation dairy farmer and cattle rancher. I grew up on a dairy farm in Montana, and I ran a feedlot operation there for twenty years. I know firsthand how cattle are raised and how meat is produced in this country.

When a cow is slaughtered, about half of it by weight is not eaten by humans; this includes the intestines and their contents, the head the hooves, the horns, as well as bones and blood. These are dumped into giant grinders at rendering plants, as well as the entire bodies of cows and other farm animals known to be diseased.

There is simply no such thing in America as an animal too ravaged by disease, too cancerous, or too putrid to be welcomed by the all-embracing arms of the renderer.

Another staple of the renderer's diet, in addition to farm animals, is euthanized pets -- the six or seven million dogs and cats that are killed in animal shelters every year.

Added to the blend are the euthanized catch of animal control agencies, and roadkill.

(Road kill is not collected daily, so in the summer, the better road kill crews can generally smell it before they can see it...) "When this gruesome mix is ground and steam-cooked, the lighter, fatty material floating to the top gets refined for use in such products as cosmetics, lubricants, soaps, candles and waxes."

...and that my friends, is the cold, hard truth about where the "animal byproducts" come from that the cosmetic industry tries to pawn off onto the American public.

by Arbonne products at http://www.jamesstewart.myarbonne.com

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