Monday, August 8, 2011

The Economy

The banks are going nuts.  The interest rates are starting to climb through the roof.  The economy is bad.  Are you thinking that this is a bad time to start a business?  Well its not.  Its actually a great time.  Arbonne offers you an opportunity to own your very own network marketing business for a minimum investment.  You can become a consultant with Arbonne and start your journey to financial freedom.  With Arbonne you might invest 10-15 hours a week of your time.  You can teach and train others to do the same.  This business is about making friends and sharing.  Do you know people with skin?  Of course you do.  Arbonne is a health and wellness business.  We are a 31 year old company.  We operate strictly through word of mouth advertisement.  You will work for yourself, not by yourself.  If you have ever given any thought to obtaining an additional income then Arbonne may be for you.  Go to my website and click on Own Your Own Business for details.
We are currently in 4 countries and we are planning on expanding into more.  We are in the US, Canada, Australia and the UK.

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