Monday, August 22, 2011

Mesmerizing Lashes

Mesmerizing Lashes
Posted by Arbonne Beauty Editor 
http://www.jamesstewart.myarbonne.comMascara is the magic wand in every woman's makeup bag. One swipe of the new Arbonne Cosmetics Triple Action Mascara miraculously transforms lashes by volumizing, lengthening and defining lashes for triple threat instant glamour. Think of this wand as a little black dress for your lashes, and slip it on for close-up worthy eyes! The extra-large brush means complete coverage can be achieved in just seconds, and the new smudge-resistant formula means lashes will retain their fluttery allure. Not only does it make for enchanting eyes, Triple Action Mascara pampers and protects, with botanical ingredients to help condition and moisturize your eyelashes. In short, this sleek tube conjures up the long, thick lashes every mascara maven desires.
Ten Beauty Tips for Luxurious Lashes  
1. Zig Then Zag 
Use a zigzag motion when sweeping the wand onto your lashes in the direction of the hair growth (from the root to the tip) to help prevent clumping.
2. Replace Regularly 
We're all guilty of keeping to the same old tube of mascara in our cosmetics case for six months or more. Experts recommend replacing mascara every three months to avoid the introduction of bacteria to the tube, which can cause decidedly non-glamorous eye infections!
3. Eyes Wide Open
Try using an eyelash curler prior to applying your mascara. It adds a professional looking curve to your lashes, which helps to open up the eyes and make them appear wider. 

4. All About the Drama 
For a dramatic cat's-eye style look, apply an extra coat or two to the lashes at the outer edge of each eye for extra volume. 

5. Avoid the Air 
Extend the life of your mascara by not pumping the wand in and out of the tube. Pumping introduces air, which causes the mascara to dry out more quickly. 

6. Top It Off 
For a more subdued, daytime look, apply mascara to the top lashes only. 

7. A Different Angle 
Those who have trouble applying mascara to the inner and lower lashes, try bending the brush at a right angle for more easy access. 

8. Powder Power 
Under-eye concealers tend to be slightly creamy or greasy, so if the lashes touch the skin where concealer has been applied it can cause your mascara to smudge. Help prevent this by "setting" the concealer with a light layer of loose translucent powder or mineral makeup (such as Arbonne Cosmetics Translucent Loose Setting Powder or Natural Radiance Mineral Powder Foundation with SPF 15) before applying your mascara. 

9. Shimmering Lash Glamour 
For eyes that truly sparkle, add an extra coat of mascara to the very tips of the eyelashes and before it dries, dab your finger into a shimmer eye shadow (such as Arbonne Cosmetics Eye Shadow in Titanium, Smoke or Divine Plum) and apply sparingly onto the tips. 

10. Extra Enhancement 
Use Arbonne Cosmetics Lash Enhancer regularly to further strengthen and condition and promote more healthy, lush-looking lashes.

Skin - Saving Shaving

Skin-Saving Shaving 
Posted by Arbonne Beauty Editor 

A great shave is as close as just four steps away.

The daily ritual of shaving is the closest thing many men have to a skin care routine. But what most guys don't realize is that a good skin care regimen can actually improve their daily shave. By prepping the skin, the right products make for a closer, more comfortable shaving experience. Skin care products can also soothe the face post-shave and help to prevent shaving-related problems (such as ingrown hairs and razor burn). Plus, a product line such as Arbonne RE9 Advanced for Men can help give you a more youthful appearance, because it is a skin care regimen developed to help reduce the visible signs of aging. And with SPF 20, it also helps to prevent sunburn.
Four Steps to a Smoother Shave
The RE9 Advanced for Men Exfoliating Wash uses walnut shell powder to gently remove dead cells from the skin's surface, which helps to revitalize and deeply clean the skin. Its unique blend of botanical oils also helps to condition the skin and prep it for a close shave. Exfoliating can also help reduce the occurrence of ingrown hairs, according to Dr. Peter Matravers, Arbonne Sr. Vice President of Product Development. "Exfoliating every time you cleanse your face or during shaving is the best defense against ingrown hair and razor bumps. This helps to clean away cellular debris and lift the hair away from the follicle, thus preventing it curling back into the skin." Matravers also says that shaving in the direction of hair growth is another way to help reduce the occurrence of ingrown hairs.
TOP TIP: Keep the Exfoliating Wash in the shower — that makes it a fast, simple step that can easily be incorporated into even the busiest guy's morning routine.
Ridding the face of stubble each day can seem like a chore to guys who prefer a clean-shaven look. But it doesn't have to be an irritating experience. A good shaving gel can help the razor glide more smoothly across the skin. The RE9 Advanced for Men Shave Gelformula helps to condition the skin against razor burn, for a shave that's close, quick and comfortable.
TOP TIP: Shave in or right after the shower — the warm water helps to open up the pores and makes hairs softer and plumper for a cleaner, easier shave.
Shaving can be hard on the face, so applying a post-shave balm is an important step in the daily care of the skin. The RE9 Advanced for Men Post-Shave Balm is formulated with marine derived ingredients (such as sea buckthorn oil and sea mayweed), which help to comfort the skin.
TOP TIP: Ways to help prevent razor burn include: Keeping the skin moist; using a moisturizing shaving gel; shaving in the direction of the hair growth; resisting the urge to shave too closely (i.e., applying minimal pressure); avoiding potentially irritating products on the shaved area (colognes, etc.) and using an aftershave cream or balm with soothing emollients.
One of the most important post-shaving steps, moisturizing helps keep skin soft and supple, and can also help diminish the signs of aging, stress and fatigue. The RE9 Advanced for Men Facial Moisturizer also contains SPF 20 to help prevent sunburn.
TOP TIP: Keep moisturizer in the car or a gym bag so it's always on hand. And remember that UVB rays can penetrate car and office windows, so applying a moisturizer with SPF is an important part of any daily skin care routine, even when not heading out into the sun.

 The average man has more than 25,000 hairs in his face.

• Over the course of a lifetime, men spend over 3,000 hours shaving.

• Contrary to common misconception, shaving does not cause hair to grow back thicker, coarser or darker.

• Only about 30 percent of men who shave use an electric razor.

• Archeologists believe that cavemen used clams, sharks' teeth and flint blades to shave with 20,000 years ago in the Stone Age.

• Circular solid gold or copper razors can be found as far back as the 4th millennium B.C. in some Egyptian tombs.

• Alexander the Great is thought to have strongly promoted shaving during his reign to avoid dangerous beard-grabbing assaults during combat.

• Julius Caesar supposedly preferred to have his beard plucked out with tweezers, although other Roman men used blades/razors or rubbed the beards from their faces using pumice stones.

• Fidel Castro reportedly only grew his now signature/infamous beard when the U.S. Cuban trade embargo cut off his supply of razors.

• Designs for safety razors date back to at least 1762, but they didn't really catch on until 1828, when they debuted in Sheffield, England.

• In 1847, William Henson invented the hoe-shaped razor that most men use today.
 *This is general, fun trivia and historical information and is not intended to be relied upon as definitive fact.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Antioxidants in Action

Antioxidants in Action
Posted by Arbonne Beauty Editor 

We're always being told to get more antioxidants into our diet. But what exactly are they, and why are they so important in the pursuit of health? We answer those questions, plus look at some of the best ways to include more antioxidants in your diet, whether it's via the food you eat or the nutritional supplements you take.

Essentially, antioxidants are molecules that help protect our bodies against free radicals. Free radicals are released when oxidization occurs within the body, and they can cause damage to the structure of cells. 

Scientists and medical experts consider the free radicals produced by oxidation to be one of the major causes of cellular degeneration both inside and out. By quenching these free radicals, antioxidants can help to prevent cellular damage and can assist in slowing down the cellular degeneration. An analogy that's often used to explain the process is that of an apple. When sliced, the inner flesh of an apple will quickly turn brown due to oxidation. But rub it with lemon juice – a source of antioxidant-rich Vitamin C – and the process will be slowed significantly. Ingesting antioxidants can have an effect akin to that of the lemon juice on the apple. Another analogy is to think of the body (on a cellular level) as a highway. The cracks or potholes in the road are like the cell damage caused by free radicals, and antioxidants help to reduce the chance of cracks and potholes.
In addition to being produced internally, we are also bombarded by free radicals from a wide array of external sources. Some of the main offenders are: alcohol, tobacco, prescription drugs, sun/UV exposure, food additives and chemicals, air pollutants and even smoked or barbecued foods. 

The best diet to help fight the assault of free radicals is one brimming with antioxidant-rich foods. These include "superfoods" such as açai berries, goji berries and pomegranate, plus many basic fruits and vegetables such as: carrots, squash, sweet potato, broccoli, kale, berries, apples, citrus fruits and many more items from your local farmers market or produce aisles. Other items that will boost your antioxidant intake include: foods rich in vitamins A, C or E (vitamin E-rich foods include nuts, seeds, whole grains and fish-liver oil); green tea products; and the trace mineral selenium, which is incorporated into the body's endogenous antioxidant system (and can be found in fish, shellfish, red meat, whole grains, eggs, chicken and garlic). 

A diet rich in high antioxidant foods is a great first step in the fight against free radicals. But in the real world, most people need a little extra help. Supplements (such as Arbonne Essentials Antioxidant & Immunity Booster) can dramatically helps boost a person's antioxidant intake. "We recommend a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables," says Dr. Peter Matravers, Arbonne Sr. Vice President of Product Development. "But of course, all too often these days most people don't have time to eat as healthily as they'd like to. So we also recommend further enhancing an antioxidant rich diet with nutritional supplements, such as products in the Arbonne Essentials line. Our Antioxidant & Immunity Booster, for example, contains ingredients such as milk thistle, which supports glutathione, our master endogenous antioxidant."

While advice about antioxidants can sometimes sound a little complex, it's refreshing to learn that it's simple to adjust one's diet and nutrition regimen to significantly boost antioxidant levels.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Detox Your Skin

If your swimming in lakes and pools a lot this summer make sure and pick up Arbonnes Detoxifying Rescue Wash. It will remove all those harmful, nasty chemicals your skin is absorbing in the water.

The sea algae extracts in this sulfate-free cleanser provide antioxidant benefits to help neutralize the toxicity of heavy metals (e.g. lead, mercury, chromium and cadmium).

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Tough Times

Most of us are experiencing tough times now.  With a high inflation, high gas prices, people unable to sell their homes, people not being able to afford to pay their property taxes, unemployment and so on, and so on.  Do you understand what I am saying?  Most people are living from paycheck to paycheck.  Most people are living, hoping that the principle bread winner in the household does not lose their source of income.  This may be the perfect time for you to start your own business.  Their are tax benefits to owning your own business.  That should be factored into your decision.  Come join me in Arbonne.  Go to my website and click on Own Your Own Business.

to email me

Monday, August 15, 2011

A Day in Arbonne

I start my day with a the Arbonne Advanced For Men.  Its an Anti-Aging Shaving Set.  Try it, you will definitely love it.  We also have products that women can use as well.  

Then I jump in the shower and I use:

 SeaSource Detox Spa Detoxifying Rescue WashSeaSource Detox Spa Detoxifying Rescue Wash

After using the SeaSource Detox Spa Detoxifying Rescue Wash, I grab a shake for breakfast:

Chocolate Protein Shakes (17 RV)

Then at some point that morning, normally at work, I grab an Arbonne Detox Tea bag for a great tasting cup of tea:

Herbal Detox Tea
Not a bad day.  We have over 400 different items.  

Monday, August 8, 2011

The Economy

The banks are going nuts.  The interest rates are starting to climb through the roof.  The economy is bad.  Are you thinking that this is a bad time to start a business?  Well its not.  Its actually a great time.  Arbonne offers you an opportunity to own your very own network marketing business for a minimum investment.  You can become a consultant with Arbonne and start your journey to financial freedom.  With Arbonne you might invest 10-15 hours a week of your time.  You can teach and train others to do the same.  This business is about making friends and sharing.  Do you know people with skin?  Of course you do.  Arbonne is a health and wellness business.  We are a 31 year old company.  We operate strictly through word of mouth advertisement.  You will work for yourself, not by yourself.  If you have ever given any thought to obtaining an additional income then Arbonne may be for you.  Go to my website and click on Own Your Own Business for details.
We are currently in 4 countries and we are planning on expanding into more.  We are in the US, Canada, Australia and the UK.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Shop Online

Online shopping with Arbonne International. the best in cosmetics, skincare, hair care and other items.  All products are vegan certified, no animal by-products, no animal testing.  All products are pure, safe and beneficial.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Natural Look

Summer Natural Look GwP Item#8024
Summer Natural Look GwP

Natural Look Set Gift with Purchase! Get the perfect fresh “no-makeup" look with the Arbonne Cosmetics Natural Look Set and receive this stylish FREE cosmetic bag as your exclusive gift with purchase. The set includes summer beauty's must-have products: Sheer Finish Tinted Moisturizer with SPF 15 (Light, Medium or Medium Beige); Bronzer; Triple Action Mascara and Lip Polish (Pearl). A $132 value, for $119. #8024; $119 ($119RV) Available 8/1-8/31, while supplies last.